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Windows 7: Search High Quality

In Windows XP we had the groovy search dog and search menu. Things were specific and search was pretty simple. Even finding the search tool was simple, it was located on the Start menu and labeled Search files and folders.

Windows 7: Search

In Windows 7, there is a new universal search if you Click the Start Orb, however, if you want to get specific in your searches with Windows 7, there is a separate place to do Advanced Searches.

If you do a single Click on the search box in the top-right of your explorer window, it will pop-up with a small list of recent searches, and available search filters below them. From here you can Click a Search filter to add exactly what you want to find. You can also just Type it into the search box manually.

This does not seem to me to be an upgrade as far as search options go. Seems to be a shortcut and way more taxing on the CPU.I can see thatt hey may have intended to make searches more speedy for the person that knows the OP like the back of his hand but by doing that, they left the other 99% out in the cold. I would rather have waited on a search item as it searched my system than have had to do all this crap to get to the section I wanted to search only to find that the answer is on some other drive alltogether and thaat I have to do it again.Nice that this is explained here though. Thanks for that.

How can I get it to search with more than one filter in place? Do I need to learn a syntax and become a programmer? I only seem to be able to select from prior single filter searches. How can I know what is happening? I liked seeing it laid out form me in XP.

At any rate I am declaring the writer of this piece of tripe to be a mere cheerleader for Microsoft and I would advise anyone looking for factual information on computer related issues to look elsewhere. The Windows 7 search facility is pathetic.

As far as I and obviously many others are concerned, you need to either apologize for writing this article or attempt to convince us that Windows 7 actually has a decent search function.Good luck with that.

The MS documentation back then was woefully inadequate, simply stating that all one needed to do was begin typing in the name of a file and presto, the file would be located much quicker than before. B*llsh*t! Now, years later, I have attempted to determine why the Win 7 search feature does not work well for locating files and I have not been able to identify a pattern.

I wish MS would make a brand new retro windows XP. Maybe call it XP CLASSIC 2015. Make it with all the features as the past but able to run all the latest technology. If they did this sales would be very high and they would make billions. almost everyone would buy this OS as fast as they could. Which leads me to wonder why big corporations like MS do not understand things like this? instead they keep losing share on the OS.

I hope someone will create a freeware with a bunch of animals, UFOs, smiley, etc. that we can chose from to accompany the search if we wish, with optional, useful sound effects (e.g. a one that tells you that search is over while you are doing something else in a different window/computer).

The Search box searches for a lot more than just file names, which makes it easy to find stuff. In addition to the file name, your search may include other properties of the file such as the author, the type of file (such as text, spreadsheet, or digital picture), and any tags you've added to the file.

At this point, you are likely ready to start organizing and accessing your files and content. Windows 7 has developed search and libraries to make it easier to find, maneuver, and customize your files.

In this lesson, we will show you how to access your content through Search and Libraries. In addition, we will highlight the features that offer customization and convenience, including tagging, search filters, and creating libraries.

Search and Libraries have a few features that assist with identifying and arranging items. Tags can be added to certain items in order to improve search results. You can also rate and arrange content, like Pictures and Music, in the same manner. The Tag or Rating options are included in the Details pane, as shown below.

Various search filters can be applied to assist with finding content or narrowing a search. Depending on the Library, search filters might include Type, Date Modified, Tag, or Authors. Below is an example of the search filter in the Video Library.

This wikiHow teaches you how to search for files by their content instead of just their titles on a Windows computer. You can easily do this on a case-by-case basis by using a folder's search bar, or you can enable content searching for all searches.

On a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, you try to search for an item on the computer by using the Search programs and files box. However, the search results are not displayed correctly. Only the category headings of the categorized search results are displayed, such as Programs, Control Panel, and Documents.Additionally, if you click the displayed category headings, nothing happens. Notes

The first step to better search results is changing the folder options. The reason for this is that the Windows search default settings do not search within the contents of your files, making the search results abysmal.

The default settings in Windows will always completely ignore the content of files. By making this simple modification to your search settings the search results will be much more accurate and relevant.

Windows desktop search in Windows 7 has a general idea of which locations and folders need to be indexed. It will go through your Start Menu, the User Folder, and any of your offline files. If you moved something around or have some things stored in another location on your drive, then you will want to add folders to your index so that the desktop search will go looking within those folders as well.

Win 7. Type in any search box and nothing happens. One of your options for fixing searches involves searching. I somehow stumbled on that one and tried it too and still nothing. Is there anything else that can be done?

Thank you for your comment. In this context, I would highly recommend our search solution Lookeen.The multiple award-winning professional desktop search solution finds all important information for you in record time!

Windows Search is a desktop search platform that has instant search capabilities for most common file types and data types, and third-party developers can extend these capabilities to new file types and data types.

For example, ISearchFolderItemFactory is a component that can create instances of the search folder data source, which is a sort of "virtual" data source provided by the Shell that can execute queries over other data sources in the Shell namespace and enumerate results. It can do so either by using the indexer or by manually enumerating and inspecting items in the specified scopes. This interface permits you to set up the parameters of the search by using methods that create and modify search folders. If methods of this interface are not called, default values are used instead.

Accessing the Windows Search capability indirectly through the Shell data model is preferred because it provides access to full Shell functionality at the level of the Shell data model. For example, you can set the scope of a search to a library (which is a feature available in Windows 7 and later) to use the library folders as the scope of the query. Windows Search then aggregates the search results from those locations if they are in different indexes (if the folders are on different computers). The Shell data layer also creates a more complete view of items' properties, synthesizing some property values. It also provides access to search features for data stores that are not indexed by Windows Search. For example, you can search a Universal Serial Bus (USB) storage devices, portable device that uses the MTP protocol, or an File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server through the Shell data sources that provides access to those storage systems. Doing so ensures a better user experience.

Windows Search has a cache of property values that is used in the implementation of the Windows Search Service (WSS). These property values can be programmatically queried by using the Windows Search OLE DB provider, or through ISearchFolderItemFactory, which represents items in search results and query-based views. Windows Search then collects and stores properties emitted by filter handlers or property handlers when an item such as a Word document is indexed. This store is discarded and rebuilt when the index is rebuilt.

In Windows Vista and later, Windows Search is integrated into all Windows Explorer windows for instant access to search. This enables users to quickly search for files and items by file name, properties, and full-text contents. Results can also be filtered further to refine the search. Here are some more features of Windows Search:

Searching for a particular document containing certain words or phrases by scanning through each file yourself, can be both time consuming and frustrating. Why not save yourself some time by using the search function in Explorer. To search for words within files on Windows 7 follow these instructions:

When you perform a search for files or folders, Windows 7 uses the search options to help customize the search results. You can specify whether you want to search for file names and content or just for file names and whether to include subfolders or find partial matches. For non-indexed searches, you can set options to include system directories or compressed files (ZIP, CAB...). The search options are available in the Folder Options dialog box under the Search tab.


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